The Body You Want To Feel & Perform Your Best
“When you feel good, you make better decisions, you connect better with yourself and others. When your fascia system is dehydrated and undernourished, it impacts your neurovascular and muscular system and it stops you from feeling good”
– Barbara Depta

Release Stress & Stiffness
10-Minute Head – Neck – Shoulders
Vagus Nerve & Fascia Focused Routine

Barbara’s Mission
Life is a movement, an ongoing learning journey, and a mindful self-care process.
Your body is your home. You deserve to feel good in your body.
I had the opportunity to recognize how the bodies of some of the best professional athletes and executives were filled with chronic stress, pain, judgment, and overcompensated tissues that impacted them personally & professionally.
My mission is to help you feel your best in your body.

Take A Step Closer To The Mind-Body You Want To Feel & Perform Your Best
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a fascia training?
Fascia training, frequently referred to as fascial fitness or fascial workout, is very valuable to every muscle and all connective tissues underneath the skin, including tendons, ligaments, blood, nerves, cartilage, and bones.
Fascia training does not replace conventional muscle training. Instead, it complements it with unique loading exercises, dynamic stretches, and ‘bouncy’ movements that utilize and strengthen the elastic recoil properties of collagenous fascia. It is recommended to work your fascia 3x a week for 10-15 minutes.
Fascia training can be short and powerful to support your muscles and joints. Check fascia training exercises & stretches here.
Barbara Depta introduced fascia-focused training and fascia stretching to PGA Tour Players & NFL athletes starting in 2010.
Tom Myers contributed to one of her first golf programs, Flexible Body Fluid Swing, where he explains which Anatomy Trains are involved in the golf swing and how they impact the body.
After that, she created a patented fascial training and rehab tool, Core Boot, that helps you create more resilient (stronger and more elastic) tissues from the ground up through tailored fascia exercises with different loading patterns.
Simply put, you gain an improved range of motion and elasticity, starting with your feet and ankles.
Barbara believes that we are as good as our foundation, and when it comes to body resilience, balance, strength, and elasticity, it all starts with our feet.
How do you train your fascia?
When you walk, run, or train, you always impact your muscles and fascia (myofascia) together. You cannot separate them from any physical activity.
However, solo muscle-focused training is different from fascia-focused training. Muscles, for example, are trained with concentric, eccentric, and isometric exercises. Whereas, Fascia, and all its layers, including the deep muscle-fascia layer (myofascial), need different loading patterns (shear, gliding, compression, tensile stretch tensioning motions), direction, and tempo (slow & fast). It is essential to do strength training as well as fascial training. When you want to effectively train fascia, you need to think of whole-body movements, starting with your feet.
Bouncing, for example, builds elasticity into the tendons and contributes to the hydration of the entire fascial system.
What exercises release the fascia?
When it comes to fascia release, frequently, gentle local press & release is more powerful than hard and deep touch.
Recent science tells us that when using soft myofascial release massage balls like the Resync Your Body ones, you get more fascia release than with large foam roller or hard tools which can negatively impact your nervous and fascia system.
You may want to start by stepping on and off with your heel on Resync Your Body myofascial release ball for 10-30 seconds. This exercise will hydrate and release tension in your entire plantar fascia. You can start with heels and then move the ball to the ball of your foot to start feeling the improvements in ankle mobility.
Check the fascia hydration essentials online program here.
Then you can start moving up the chain to your calves, hamstrings, lower back, ribcage, chest, and neck as well. The gentle pressure of the ball will start breaking up fibrous adhesions between the fascial layers so your muscles can function better.
What is the fascia diet?
Fascia, just like other collagenous tissues, needs specific nutrients to stay healthy.
It is not as simple as eating a plant-based diet or becoming vegan. As plants do not have amino acids, your fascia & other connective tissues need them to keep your collagen healthy.
A diet that focuses on personal anti-inflammatory foods (remember, what’s anti-inflammatory to one person is not to another), which includes a full-spectrum of omega 3’s, a variety of plants, especially red veggies, like red spinach or berries, like Aronia – fundamental for building & supporting fascia with circulation.
However, it does not end here. Anthocyanins, catechins, and flavonoids (flavones, flavanone & cocoa flavanols) are very important for fascia health as well.
Also, to support fascia, you must eat foods high in collagen (type I, II, and III especially) with sulfur, copper, and vitamin C – fundamental tissue co-factors to feed & build your connective tissues. Without those, you do not create collagen in your body.
It is also important to know what not to eat & what foods Fascia does not like. Check Barbara’s e-book on fascia and soft tissue nutrition here.
You do not want your body, over time, become dry and brittle -susceptible to injury.
Barbara created Resync supplements in 2017 to support oxygenation and blood flow to fascia and connective tissues to keep your body healthy.
What foods help with tight fascia?
When it comes to foods fascia likes, consume red vegetables and berries high in polyphenols like Aronia or red spinach and red beets, which support nitric oxide are the foundation of resync products.
Fascia also likes catechins, so foods like berries, cocoa, and tea are great for fascia. Of course the list does not end with these. All the foods, with recipes are given in the Recover Every Layer Of Your Body e-book
Yet be careful with sugar. Fascia does not like sugar – it creates inflammation and more adhesion in the connective tissue. You want to support the glide between your fascia & muscles, and sugar will give you the opposite – tightness and adhesions.
Additionally, amino acids are great for fascia, so eat your fish, lean meat & drink bone broth. And check the newest Resync supplement, Beyond Muscle Recovery & Repiar. It contains all the amino acids from collagen peptides and the one from lactose-free whey protein, and it has all the building blocks to keep your collagen healthy, like all essentail minerals inclduing copper and magnesium. It also contains all electrolytes, essential vitamins liek K2 & D3, with reds (red spinach, Aronia Berries) and antiinlammatory OptiMSM.
If you want to know how to support fascia elasticity and resilience through nutrition. check out this class.
How to hydrate my fascia?
To absorb the water you drink. You need to give undivided attention to fascia, because of its unique structure and role in fluid retention and transportation throughout the body, fascia plays a central role in our hydration.
Specific touch, nutritional intake, and movement, all play a critical role in fascia hydration.
Barbara address all of that in the PDF, How To Stop The Process Of Drying Out- aging.
Does fascial training actually work?
Yes, Fascial training does work. Let’s start by saying that most sports injuries are connective tissue (fascia, tendon and ligament), not muscle injuries.
The less you pay attention to fascia hydration through training and proper recovery, the less elastic response it has and the more connective tissue injuries you will face.
The best way to train your body to prevent soft tissue injury or to quickly recover from an injury is for you to build elasticity and resilience by adapting different loading patterns that are fascia-friendly. See fascia training with no equipment and fascia training with the core boot.
It is important to remember that there are 10 times more sensory nerve endings in your fascia than in your muscles. Fascia is the most sensory-rich organ and system of stability and mechano-regulation (Varela & Frenk 1987). If you want to gain dynamic stability in your body, you must train fascia.
How can I improve my fascia health?
Training your fascia 3x a week for 10-15 minutes will make your body more elastic, fluid, and dynamically resilient.
You can use Core Boot (fascial training & rehab tool) to release stiffness in your feet, calfs, hamstrings, and lower back to keep your fascia healthy from the ground up.
Check the Online Classes Tab for fascia training & golf, for plantar fasciitis for lower leg & core stability program or the essentials on fascia hydration.