


Stress destroys the relationship between your mind and body. 

Stress also dehydrates and stiffens our fascia and surrounding tissues. 

However, just drinking water is not enough to hydrate your fascia and the rest of the body.

And it definitely doesn’t mean that the water you drink is getting to where it needs to: into your fascia and connective tissues surrounding it. 

Are your cells getting the water and nutrients they need is the question you want to ask yourself.

During this self-care class, you will create optimal conditions for fluid to circulate and be distributed throughout the entire fascial system to keep you hydrated and stress-free. 

A stress-proof and hydrated body is a safe and healthy body. 

Emotionally or physically, we tend to carry and store more stress in our bodies than we realize, contributing to adverse outcomes like dehydration. 

This program provides the right fascia-friendly tools so you can release stress and rehydrate every layer of your body to feel your best.

Do what’s right for you and your body. 

What Do You Gain With This Stress Release & Fascia Hydration Program?



What’s Included

2 Small Myofascial Balls


The myofascial release balls are perfect for addressing tightness and tension across the body.

You can use them by themselves or with Core Boot.


These myofascial release balls were designed explicitly with 2 different surfaces, essentially offering the benefits of two balls in one.

  1. One half has bumpy nubs for better contact with the skin and targeting deeper layers of soft tissues within the body.
  2. The other half has a smooth surface for those who are more sensitive and need gentle touch before progressing to the bumpy half. This surface was made for better balance & neurovascular flow.


One myofascial release ball holds up to 250 lbs and up to 500 lbs combined.

1 Large Myofascial Ball


The versatile surfaces offer the benefits of two balls in one.


  1. One half has bumpy nubs for better contact with the skin and targeting deeper layers of soft tissues within the body. It feels great on the lower back when you try to release thoracolumbar tension. 
  2. The other half has a smooth surface for those who desire a more gentle touch before progressing to the bumpy half. This surface safely assists in addressing abdominal muscles, activates your core and psoas, and can be used for lower back and core stability exercises.  
Full Body Hands-On Videos

Each no longer than 20 minutes

  • Easy-to-follow routines in sitting, standing, and lying down positions you can do in the comfort of your home, office, or during travel time.stressrelease3images
  • You will go through myofascial & neurovascular pathways that are impacted by stress. We start with the head, neck, vagus nerve, and thorax and go down to your feet – the gateway to your nervous system.
  • You will get grounded and in touch with your stress to create the body you want to live in. 

Nothing In Life That Matters Is Depthless 

What does it mean & why should you care? 

Emotional stress plays an enormous role in your hydration & fascia health.

Everything underneath the skin is impacted by hydration and stress – fascia connects it all. 

Dr. Jean-Claude Guimberteau has recently discovered that Fascia is the hidden hydration system, an electrical system conducted by water that sends cell-to-cell communication.  

I feel Fascia is the authority system that allows healthy communication between different systems, cells, organs, and connective or soft tissues, where hydration is required for healthy existence and living.

A more intentional life leads to healthier choices and creates the body you want to live in.