


Train & Treat Your Body

Like The Best Athletes Do 

Gain New Tools & Training Strategies To Prevent Ankle, Knee, Hip & Back Injuries

About The Creators

Barbara Depta
Dr. Sam Bell

The creator of Core Boot, Barbara Depta met Dr. Sam Bell while working with the NFL Baltimore Ravens in 2013. They both played different roles, yet collectively devoted their knowledge, time, and energy to helping professional football players throughout their careers to perform better and stay injury-free.

They both agree that freedom and control of movement, with balance & strength begin with our feet.

With this program they help you release tension, hydrate the tissues, before you load and strengthen the body again.

What’s Included In The Program


Day 1


Day 2


Day 3


DePlaning & Post Travel

DePlaning & Post Travel

Night Before The Game

Night Before The Game

Pre Game Warm-UP

Pre Game Warm-UP

Post Game Recovery

Post Game Recovery

Purpose & Benefits

Your foot is designed to absorb different loading patterns and tolerate many different surfaces and textures, but modern life has made us adapt to an environment that helps the muscles in the feet get tighter and weaker over time.

Without stimulating the nerves on the bottom of our feet, we block important cues to our brain for posture, gait, and athletic performance.

When in your strength training or rehab program, do you pay attention to your feet, ankles, and different loading patterns to improve the absorption and transfer of impact forces?

Probably never.

Through this program, you will get:

Key corrective exercises  & training routines to perform in the comfort and privacy of your own home or during travel to take control of your body and see optimal results. 

Purpose & Benefits


Is explicitly designed to improve and stimulate the sensory nerves and support oxygenation & circulation in the lower leg. 

The muscles in your feet, just like your heart, require circulation so that they can contract, stay healthy, and gain optimal strength.

Core Boot releases tension, hydrates, and strengthens the plantar fascia to support better absorption and transfer of impact forces.This program also addresses the importance of big toe extension to improve the push-off phase and arch functionality.

Core Boot will improve ankle stability and help you gain better alignment to prevent ankle sprains and compensations up the chain that will lead to injury.

You will find out what your body has been missing. Get Core Boot today to change the way you feel & perform.

Full Core Boot Kit

Lower-Leg Stability Program With Full Core Boot Kit


What’s Included
  • 2 Core Boots
  • 2 Myofascial Release Balls
  • 2 Multifunctional Resistance Bands
  • 1 Mini Resistance Band
  • Access to the Lower Leg-Core Stability Program High-Performance Optimization Program.


"Core Boot is a simple solution to help address neuromechanical problems"

Core Boot (CB) is an innovative approach to a very familiar problem, weakness in hip and core stabilizers that increases risk of falls, muscle, and joint pain, and impaired mobility. Functional movement and interaction with our environment require proximal limb stabilization. The CB incorporates modified levels of destabilization to appropriately challenge and activate key muscle groups within the core and lower limb that are linked to improvements in balance and function. Whether beginning, building, or pushing your body to go beyond, Core Boot is a simple solution to help address neuromechanical problems

Dr. Ken Johnson

Johns Hopkins Sports Medicine

"I highly recommend this product for all the athletes that I work with"

The Core Boot is an innovative way to efficiently integrate core control with functional strength training. It is a great proprioceptive warmup that encourages multiplanar movements to facilitate the neuromuscular system and reduce the likelihood of injury. I have seen many athletes who are able to excel in pure strength testing. However, they are unable to deliver the power to the ground due to improper fundamentals. The Core Boot teaches you how to properly transfer the force that you produce from through your heel and foot directly to the ground rather than being diminished by improper fundamentals. I highly recommend this product for all the athletes that I work with.â€

Dr. Samuel Bell

Former Physical Therapist & Athletic Trainer,Baltimore Raven & Houston Astros

"CoreBoot will become my go-to foot and ankle training"

“The CoreBoot is a must-have tool/modality for any and all clients or humans. As a personal trainer to everyday fitness clients and elite professional athletes, I can already see massive benefits to the foot and ankle awareness, strength, mobility, and function of all of my clients. I also personally used to deal with my own plantar fasciitis issues so I’m amply aware of my feet and can already tell with just a few uses of the CoreBoot that the feedback my feet are receiving is resulting in fantastic sensations. Restoring natural function of the foot and ankle for holistic health throughout the entire kinetic chain is critical and the CoreBoot will become my go-to foot and ankle training modality by which to achieve that purpose quickly and efficiently with all of my clients!â€

Dan Palacios

Strength & Conditioning Coach,Kinetic Training