

 When Mindful Self-Care & Coaching Come Together, Breakthroughs Follow.


Recovery from my injury became my story and, as an executive, motivated me to create a mindful self-care system that allows high-performing professionals to avoid burnout and enjoy their successful endeavors.

I coach entrepreneurs how to be mindful of their self-care so that they don’t get side-tracked by their passion and allow their self-growth and body to suffer. 

I also coach athletes how to take care of their fascia and neurovascular system so that they avoid injuries and burnout, and focus on winning more championships.

I understand you are motivated and passionate about your goals. I get that, and it’s important to have passion and goals in life. However, I found out that quite often, our goals get us side-tracked to the point that our personal lives suffer.

I coach you how to use that passion to connect with your needs to drive you forward, not down to the bottom. In the process, you discover hidden blockages that, currently, without even realizing it, stop your professional growth, not just your personal well-being. Your priorities do not change. Your strategy does.

You have a compelling reason to receive coaching support.

It’s not just an ethical responsibility but also a strategic life and business move. You deserve this support. 

When you authentically connect with your needs, it feels like you broke the code to peace, ongoing growth, and success.

Staying healthy and emotionally fulfilled during the success journey is what separates the best from the rest. My life experiences allow me to offer a wide range of services to help high-performers create the mind-body they are peaceful and unstoppable in.

Isn’t life all about relationships? And the one you have with yourself is the most important one.

As your coach, I believe you have everything within you to help you succeed. I simply love bringing the best out of people. 

My intention is to help you exceed your expectations.

BD Collage Coaching Page

Feeling Your Best Is The Best

Especially When It Becomes Your Daily Habit

-Barbara Depta

I know how important self-care is to create greatness.

I had the opportunity to recognize how, even on the highest level, the minds of some of the best professional athletes and executives were filled with hidden blockages filled with stress, judgment, pain, resentment, and limiting beliefs that were stopping them personally and professionally.

My mission is to help you. 

I want nothing more than to see you succeed and help you feel your best while pursuing your greatness.

You deserve this support.